

       “To Create or Not To Create That Is The Question”

Over the past few weeks I’ve been pondering. Okay I’ll be honest, I’ve been

procrastinating on what I should write about for my next article reminding me of

the quote, “If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done.” If your

guilty like me, raise your hand. I know you might read this article in hopes that

you would find some new technique or glass project to try. You can put away your

glass cutter and no need to plug in your kiln. The only tool or equipment you will

need is between your ears. This article is about stirring up those creative juices.

It’s my hope that you will take these words to heart and perhaps we can turn our

procrastination into motivation.

I can’t begin to tell you how many imaginary pieces of work I have created in my

mind that now sit on my imaginary shelf. So my thought, why don’t I write an

article that is in part a self-confession and part self-help guide that would inspire

and assist all artists that have a tendency to have that ever so lapse that we call

“creative block” that keeps us from our true artistic potential. As some actor in

some movie once said, “Help me help you.”

First, before we come to any self-truths or revelations, I want to begin by saying

this is not an intervention for those of you who have a creative addiction. Actually,

I personally think of myself as a creative junkie which might be a good thing. Try

to think of it as an artistic support group with a 7-step program to creative

achievement. We could call it “CA” for Creators Anonymous.

To help with my 7-step creative program, I thought I would outline this by

borrowing creative quotes by various authors, artists and renown thinkers of our

time. Hopefully, through their words of wisdom, it will inspire, empower and ignite

our own thoughts and words into action.

Step 1. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” -

Albert Einstein

It all starts with imagining and being open to that moment of inspiration. Most of

the time we don’t know when or where that creative spark happens, but when it

does happen, and you don’t fan that spark into a flame, it will certain die out.

Step 2. The best way to get something done is to begin.” ~Author Unknown

We just have to realize we have but two basic questions we have to answer.

Either, we do or we don’t. Either we create or we don’t create. Nothing gets done,

nothing gets made until we act. Most of the time, all it takes is just simply

stepping into your studio or picking up that brush or pen and trust that something

will happen.

Step 3. “Failure is built into creativity ... the creative act involves this element of

‘newness’ and ‘experimentalism,’ then one must expect and accept the possibility

of failure.” -Saul Bass

Before we begin or enter any creative project we should never start with the fear

or apprehension of failing. We should have the attitude that there are no

mistakes just learning opportunities.

Step 4. “Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are

located in the same individual”. -Arthur Koestler

“Tell me and I will forget,

Show me and I may remember,

Let me do it and I will understand.”-Unknown

Step 5. “Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look

at things in a different way.” -Edward De Bono

Before starting a project, ask yourself how I can make it my own?

How can I add a new twist to it? Don’t begin until you have some sort of answer.

Step 6. “The most potent muse of all is our own inner child.” -Stephen


Remember to have fun, enjoy and sing while you work. Listen closely to what it

says for it will talk back to you.

Step 7. “There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource

of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever

repeating the same patterns.” -Edward de Bono

Look around you, and you’ll see that everything first started with an imaginary

thought that came to being by taking it from beginning to end.

As artists, hopefully we find truth and meaning in the above words and follow its

wisdom and who knows where it could take us.

Can you imagine the mind-boggling odds of being placed upon this earth as a

human being, and blessed with the gift of creativity. It’s up to each one of us not

to take this gift for granted for time waits for no one.

It was many years ago while an art student that I wrote this poem.

“We are each like a grain of sand

Washed upon this shore by a vast and restless sea

So for now let us rejoice in the sun

For tomorrow we know not where we will be.”

- David Alcala

By David Alcala

Article Published in Stained Glass
